[Proofreading-En] Pepper&Carrot Backstage Vol. 1

@matt Please let me know your preferences - do you prefer to edit/discuss SRT file on GitHub (via PR) or use Google Documents? Any other tool? :slight_smile:

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Sorry, didnā€™t see your latest post until I posted mine. Iā€™m good with Github if you prefer that. MattJordan (Matt Jordan) Ā· GitHub

But I can also do Google docs as well. Iā€™m pretty flexible. :smiley:


Well, I think it will be easier to handle discussions in Google Docs, so letā€™s go with it. ^___^



Maybe I missed something but I didnā€™t see where to find an existing Google doc to start from. Or am I supposed to create one? I probably should have asked about that yesterday to clarify but I didnā€™t think to do so. Sorry about that. I did read through the SRT file and I can see that it wonā€™t take me long to make a few suggestions. So I can probably do a first draft tonight after work if I know where to do it. Apologies again if I missed something obvious.

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Hi Matt! No problem!
Yes, can you create a new Google Document please? Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:


Okay, here is a first pass in a Google Doc. I took the approach of highlighting a section and giving an alternate suggestion in a comment. Let me know if that doesnā€™t make sense.

The existing version is very understandable and I think most English readers would have no trouble following along. So my suggestions are really just what I think would be a little more native or natural English. Of course Iā€™m from the USA, so I tried not to over-Americanize it and really just focus on smoothing the flow where I thought it might help. But, like I said, the original isnā€™t hard to follow and I think I only found one actual typo.

Let me know if anything is unclear, etc. And it wonā€™t hurt my feelings at all if you donā€™t use my suggestions. :smiley: I can also apply any or all of these in a PR against the SRT file if you want. Hereā€™s the link:



I like this approach! :slight_smile:

I will review that carefully and write my comments in Doc. Thank you so much!

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Hi Matt! I have reviewed all changes - there are just a few places where I put comments, lease check.

Yes, smoothing the flow, catching grammar errors and ensuring the text is clear to understand - thatā€™s what we were after. Thank you!

Yes, it would be really good if you can make a PR with final version here :slight_smile: - GitHub - morevnaproject-org/morevna-translations-en
This GitHub repo is intended to be temporary storage for results of our translation activities and I plan to clean up it from time to time. But committing changes there will allow other people who contributed to translation to see the fixes and learn from them.

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Sounds good. Iā€™ll either catch up later this evening or first thing tomorrow (Saturday) morning.


Hi, Matt! Any news on this? :slight_smile:

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Sorry, the weekend has been a little busier than I anticipated, but I should be able to get to it this evening.


Okay, I responded to your questions and comments. I didnā€™t go ahead and do the PR yet mostly because a couple of my responses gave options. But I can do that tomorrow evening after work if you want. Just let me know. And apologies again for not being able to get to it as quickly as Iā€™d originally hoped this weekend.


Hi! No problem about delays, I just happy the process is moving! :slight_smile:

I have responded all comments and added all changes. I think weā€™re ready for PR now.

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Hi Matt! I was unable to accept my edits in Google Docs (because I am not the owner of the document), so I have applied all edits to a separate SRT file and uploaded it to this topic - [Voicing-En] Pepper&Carrot Backstage Vol. 1
You can use this SRT file for PR. :slight_smile:

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Oh, sorry about that. I probably should have added some permissions or something and didnā€™t think to do it. Anyway, Iā€™ll open the PR.


No problem, this happens for me too from time to time :sweat_smile:
Looking forward for PR! Thank you! ^___^

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Okay, I think I opened the PR to the right repo and branch. This is the first time doing this outside of my company day job, so let me know if anything went wrong and Iā€™ll try to fix it.

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Looks great! Thank you so much for your help! Marking this as ā€œsolvedā€. :slight_smile:


Glad I could help and thanks for your patience!